4 thoughts on “Making Bee Hive Splits

  1. Hi Jim!

    I love your great Powerpoints! As a newBee from upstate NY, I am not able to attend your talks. This is a shot in the dark, but I thought I’d ask anyways – do you have audio files of your lectures?

    1. Thank you for your kind comments. I will be in NY for bee events later in 2012, but I am not sure where (I think a summer picnic). Sorry, but no, as a routine matter, I don’t have any kind of file of my presentations. I am continuing to tinker with PP capture software, but other than the few I have posted while still at Ohio State, I don’t have any thing out there. As with other speakers, someone is frequently recording my comments, but I never know how those recording are used. But especially thanks for using this blog. I and my reasons for having this blog system are still evolving. Please stay in touch.

  2. Thank you for your response. As soon as you know where you’ll be in NY, please post it. I hope it’s near the Capital Region. 😉

  3. The old adage is that you can try to raise more bees or more honey. If you want both, then you can try to maximize honey in the old location and bees in the new split. Otherwise most splits are either a small nuc made up from just enough to get it started, or an even split.

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