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Just a thought about colony guard bees….

This summer, I had an issue with one or two aggressive colonies.  I had to move them from my home apiary.  When I opened the stockade gate to my apiary — guard bees were immediately there for me.  After moving the offending colonies, things really calmed.  But even now after having worked bees and reentering the apiary, several bees are (nearly) immediately upon me.

I had the thought that these bees are not guarding a particular colony – they are essentially guarding the apiary – which in turn guards the their home colony.   Could I call these defensive bees – “apiary guard bees”?  Do they remember my various odors or my appearance?  They seem to be more that spontaneous colony guards.  Its impossible to determine from which colony these apiary guards are from.  I find this global guarding behavior interesting.

Being Gentle with the Bees

Being a bee-friendly beekeeper

Within a wide range, each beekeeper maintains their colonies in ways suitable to their lifestyle and personal schedule. Some of us can allocate more time to our bees than others. As colony numbers increase, you should expect to spend less time with individual colonies. Beekeepers who rarely manipulate their colonies will most likely have
some, or even many, die. Alternatively, beekeepers who open their practically every day are also putting stress on their colonies. New beekeepers can be somewhat excused. They are still learning and are excited to explore their new bee world.

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